Trademark applications keep rolling in. Earlier this month, ZeniMax Media filed a trademark application for Dragonborn. In April, the company filed for the dragon shout “Fus Ro Dah”. Now, the company has submitted a new trademark application (Serial Number: 85634522) covering computer game software with the United States Patent and Trademark Office for “Hearthfire”.
“Hearthfire” appears to be a reference to the skill book “2920, vol 09 – Hearth Fire” in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
Skill books reward players with bonuses. Hearth Fire is a conjuration skill book and is part of the twelve volume 2920 books. The conjuration skill allows you to summon creatures from the dead or concoct ethereal weapons from soul energy.
Hearthfire is also the ninth of the 12 seasons in the Elder Scrolls universe.
The trademark application just appeared on the website of the USPTO today, and was originally filed on May 24, 2012.
At this point, it’s unknown whether Hearthfire will be for a new Skyrim DLC, a new video game, or something else.
Bethesda has made no official announcement as of yet.
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